Current Scams Targeting Seniors (And How to Avoid Them)
The FBI estimates that seniors lose an estimated $3 billion every year to financial scams. Scammers go after seniors because they believe many older adults have a significant amount of money sitting in their accounts. Learn about the most common scams and how to protect your loved ones.
Helping Dads Continue to Live a Purposeful Life
June is dad’s month. And since June celebrates dads, we have a webinar that is all about dads.
Keeping Busy in a Senior Community
When dads retire from work and then eventually move into senior housing, many times they feel like they’ve lost their purpose. Remember when dad was up at the crack of dawn on Saturdays fixing the fence? Painting the deck? Pressure washing the driveway? He was doing what dads do – trying to fix things and make things better.
Mom is on the Fence About Moving. Now What?
Making the move to senior housing is sometimes met with hesitation, and that is usually due to the perception of senior housing. Today’s communities are not what they were twenty or even ten years ago. When you or your mom are beginning to think about moving into a community like ours, sometimes, transitioning into senior housing can be an adjustment and a challenge for her, as well as other family members.
Helping Mom Transition to Senior Housing
For years, our mother has cared for us and as she ages, it is now our turn to gladly return that favor without hesitation. Sometimes, though, transitioning into senior housing can be an adjustment and a challenge for her, as well as other family members. And sometimes, frankly, it can be a hard conversation.
Eliminating the Clutter: Ditch These Items
Clutter and an overabundance of “stuff” can make a any living situation feel cramped and sometimes even dangerous for seniors. As we mentioned in previous some of our previous blog posts, eliminating clutter is a good way to start the rightsizing process. Listed below are a few great tips from that says what to pitch to get organized and reclaim space, whether in senior housing or in your own home.
Decluttering Tips for Seniors
As people age, they often have accumulated decades worth of items. From heirlooms to roadside trinkets, we have seen there is often a need to declutter especially preparing to move into senior housing.
Senior Nutrition & Foods for Brain Power
Can eating a specific food or following a particular diet help prevent or delay dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease? Many studies suggest that what we eat affects the aging brain’s ability to think and remember. These findings have led to research on general eating patterns and whether they might make a difference.
Eating Healthier as You Age
Making healthy food choices is a smart thing to do — no matter how old you are. Our bodies change through our 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond. As we change, food is incredibly important not just in quantity but also quality. Here are a few tips to keep seniors eating healthier.
Telehealth & Seniors Today
Telehealth is the use of digital information and communication technologies, such as computers and mobile devices, to access health care services remotely and manage your health care. These may be technologies you use from home or that your doctor uses to improve or support health care services.